at-par POLICY
Burke Mountain accepts Canadian cash at par, for Canadian guests with current proof of residency, when the following products are purchased at the specific outlet. On property guests charging back to their room will be charged in US funds on their credit card.
- Lift Tickets.
- Winter Season Passes.
Lodging stays are sort of a mix. Here are the details:
All credit card transactions are charged in US funds so when your 50% deposit is taken on your CDN credit card, it will be automatically converted from US to CDN at whatever rate your credit card company is using. The balance of your transaction may be paid at check in in CDN cash only to get the second part of your stay at par. Best Available Rate and any other pre-paid non refundable rate is NOT eligible to pay at par. No refunds, full or partial will be completed on card transactions.
A few notes:
- Canadian guests must provide proof of current residency to pay in Canadian cash.
- All credit cards are charged in US funds.
- Rates are subject to change without notice.